Selected essays & stories
Selected poems
"Pinup Girls" - lyric essay in The Under Review, Issue 1, Winter 2020
"The Greatest Guy You Never Saw or Murphy on the Mound" - short story in From the Edge of the Prairie Vol. 17 (Prairie Writers Guild, 2020)
"Liminal State" - essay in Car Bombs to Cookie Tables: The Youngstown Anthology edited by Jacqueline Marino (Belt, 2020 & 2015)
"The Farmer and I: In the Middle of It All" - essay in Belt Magazine, June 2014; published under C Lee Tressel
"The Farmer and I: A Rookie’s Field Guide to Farm Speak" - essay in Belt Magazine, July 2014; published under C Lee Tressel
"Tiger Trouble" - case study in Casing Sport Communication edited by Diana L. Tucker and Jason Wrench (Kendall Hunt, 2016)
"Piccolo Mondo" - essay in From the Edge of the Prairie Vol. 14 (Prairie Writers Guild, 2017)
"Catch" - short story in From the Edge of the Prairie Vol. 11 (Prairie Writers Guild, 2014); published under C Lee Tressel
"Second Love" - Everyday Poems for City Sidewalk (Saint Paul Public Works and Public Art Saint Paul, 2008)
"Just a Mother" - From the Edge of the Prairie Vol. 16 (Prairie Writers Guild, 2019)
"Eclipse" - From the Edge of the Prairie Vol. 15 (Prairie Writers Guild, 2018)
"Bearing the Light" - From the Edge of the Prairie Vol. 12 (Prairie Writers Guild, 2015)
"To Julia Howland Healey" - Mapping the Muse: A Bicentennial Look at Indiana Poetry (Brick Street, 2015)